Monday, December 1, 2008

I would rather stab my eye out with a fork

Yes, you read it right...I would rather stab my eye out with a fork than to pay my bills. I usually pay bills on Fridays, but with the holiday weekend, I just kept putting it off. So today I finally sat down to do it and realized why I hate doing it so much. It is so stressful trying to figure out which bills I should pay and which ones I should pay at a later date. Sometimes I just wish Larry would sit down and do it just once, then he can see why I get in such a bad mood on Fridays. Well, there is nothing I can do about it at this point, but just pray no one comes after us for any money. I can only pay what I have money for. At least we have food on the table and a roof over our heads and a dog to keep my feet warm!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

Even if you lost your eye (due to the fork) they'd still make you pay bills. Actually, there would be a big one from the Optometrist...

I read "The Secret Life of Bees" yesterday, it was very good! I see you are reading "Boy in the Striped Pajamas" how is it so far?

New Jack picture required...