Monday, December 8, 2008

"Do you want the rest?"

Sunday afternoon my daughter, Emily, was eating a piece of delicious cherry pie. After a few minutes she said to me "do you want the rest?" I did not want it, but when I looked at her plate all she had on it was the end of the crust. She was dead serious when she asked me. What the heck was she thinking, why would I want just the crust of this delicious pie. So, Emily, if you really wanted to share your pie, you should have asked me when there was still some actual cherries left in it.

No, but thanks anyways.

1 comment:

rdr8k said...

Sounds like something you did to me when we were kids. It's like karma or something. Speaking of cookies, can you please send us a copy of mom's sugar cookie recipe. I can't find it here and we have a lot of people coming for Christmas.

Love ya,