Thursday, November 27, 2008

What's in a name?

So, it all began with wanting to write my own blog. All of my cool friends are doing it! Anyway, I could not come up with a name that I liked, so I called my friend, notyouraveragejenn, and asked her if she could help since she can sometimes be quite witty. She came up it goes..."Chicken and Biscuits", "Lime Green and Navy", "Cheese and Rice"...what the heck? At first I thought about it, but then I came to my senses. I really wanted to use the word pajamas in my name since that seems to be my wardrobe most days since I lost my job 3 weeks ago. My 13 year old daughter and 12 year old son thought the name "Just another day in pajamas" as STUPID. So i settled on "life according to blee". Well, this blog is obviously about me and the things happening in my life, so it only made sense. Now you ask were I got "blee", well from one of my besties, absolutelyfelicious. It's actually the my first initial and middle name put together. Pretty creative, huh?

So, this is my first post...with many more to come. I just hope I can be as funny as my cool friends!


Linda F. said...

Hey! Look who gets to be your first every commenter! Glad you decided to do the blog thing, and hopefully you'll be more faithful about it than I am with mine! I miss having the opportunity to see all of you at "that place you used to work"!

Felicious said...

Yay, Blee!!! Welcome to the super cool club of bloggers! I will add you to my google reader so I can be alerted to your latest blog posts asap!!!

Love ya! See you soon!

rdr8k said...

This should be interesting

Your Fav. Bro