Monday, April 13, 2009

The Price to be Beautiful

OMG...I cringe when I have to pay $12.00 for a haircut for myself. Saturday, Emily and I went to Famous Hair, a place you think would be inexpensive, to get our hair cut. Emily also wanted to have her hair highlighted. Okay, she hasn't had it done for over a year since you went back to her original color. So I thought, what the heck,why not? Well, I'll tell you why cost me $77.00. Yes, you read that right. Granted, her hair is super duper thick and she had her whole head done, but her hair is short right now. Are you kidding me? These highlights better last a long, long time! Next time we are going back to the Aveda School. Yeah, they take forever, but it is a lot cheaper.

Anyways, she looks adorable, but I still wouldn't say it was worth it.

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