Friday, March 13, 2009

Cavaliers Game

Saturday March 7th brought us another day at the Cavaliers game. Larry, Jared, his friend JD and I went to the game. The game was really good...never once were the Cavs behind in the game. The boys really had a good time. Even though they had a guy next to them...he was probably in his late 20's who was trying to fix them up with some girls in the next section that were a bit to old for them. This guy...he had a bit to drink, but he was really nice to the boys. He talked to them about sports and school and the game. They pretty much missed the entire 3rd quarter of the game talking to him. At the end of the game, his wife was really apologetic for him, but he truly was fine. (and good looking too!)
Here are a few pictures from the game...
This is the actual view from our seats. We were 3 rows from the top of the arena. I did not know that's how high they were when we got the tickets. We have never sat that high. And let me tell you, I was a bit afraid when I had to walk down the steps. Jared said he thought they were the best seats because he was able to see everything from above. That is what it felt like, we were sitting above the court. Maybe next time we will get seats on the jumbo-tron. I think they can actually fit a few chairs up there.

A few pictures of Jared and JD...

They bought matching hats and foam fingers.

The boys laughed the whole way is always fun to listen to kids in the back of the car when they are talking and goofing around. It probably didn't help that we stopped half way home and they got a bottle of orange crush and a candy bar. Just what they needed...more sugar.
Until next time...

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